JOLT-ITLP Career Forum

Jan 31, 2025

JOLT, in collaboration with the Institute for Technology, Law, and Policy (ITLP), is hosting an in-person event showcasing career options in the tech law space on Wednesday, February 26, 2025.

The event will be held in Room 1347 of the Law School. There will be a two-part panel that will showcase tech-related career options at law firms and beyond. Our panelists include attorneys from preeminent tech-focused Biglaw firms in a range of practices from IP practice and corporate, to privacy, enforcement in government, and in-house counsel at Apple.

5:30 – 6:15PM | Panel 1: Privacy, ECVC, Corporate, In-House
6:15 – 7:00PM | Panel 2: IP Practice
7:00 – 8:00PM | Networking Reception – A chance for students to connect with firm representatives.

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